Is Your Child Eating Their Way To Inflammation?


Did you know that what happens in the digestive tract plays a big role in what happens on the skin and in the immune system as a whole? Many people say that the immune system lives in the gut – and there’s a good reason for that. Our digestive tract is where our body deals with many of the things that agitate our immune system, and it’s the place where the body deals with these things so that they don’t cause excess damage. The issue is that when the gut is damaged due to inflammation, it cannot deal with foods, pathogens, and other materials that could be causing everything from eczema flare ups and allergies to behavioral and emotional issues. Healing the gut and strengthening the delicate tissues that make it up is one of the best ways to treat and heal auto-immune disorders while also helping the body learn to absorb nutrients better and protect itself from harmful elements more readily.

You may be wondering how the gut gets inflamed – and the answer may surprise you. It’s everyday foods that many of us feed our kids as part of a healthy diet all the time. These foods, while being natural and even gentle, are still known to cause inflammation in the body which can degenerate the gut lining over time and cut back on how strong and effective the immune system is. An inflamed gut leads to a weak immune system which leads to all kinds of issues like eczema and allergies.

Here are some of the everyday foods that could be causing some of the gut inflammation issues in your family. Keep in mind that it doesn’t matter if these foods are natural, organic, non-GMO, or even gluten-free…

  • Grains like wheat, oats, and barley.
  • Legumes like beans, lentils, peanuts, and green peas.
  • Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt.
  • Preservatives, additives, artificial colors, and artificial flavors in processed foods.
  • Refined sugars including white and brown.
  • Nightshade vegetables like tomatoes, eggplants, and potatoes.
  • Nuts like almonds, walnuts, and cashews. Many people find that coconuts and macadamia nuts are okay to eat.

As you can see, the list is pretty extensive. These are foods that many people find cause serious inflammatory reactions when eaten even in small amounts – so it could be worth experimenting with cutting them out of your own family’s diet to see if it makes a change. Many people find that cutting these foods out for 30-60 days causes dramatic changes in overall health and wellness, and that re-introducing them brings back all the problems that went away.

If you suspect that only some of these foods could be causing inflammation, you may want to try an elimination diet. We explore this i n detail here.

It’s important to keep in mind that even though these foods are known to be common triggers for inflammation and the many issues gut inflammation causes – they may not be an issue for everyone. It’s worth taking it slow and trying foods one at a time to see which ones really cause issues for you so that your family’s diet can remain as unrestricted as possible.

Sticking to fresh, whole, organic foods as much as possible that focus on greens, veggies, and fruits is a great way to steer clear of inflammatory items while getting naturally anti-inflammatory and antioxidant rich foods every day!



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