Cold Creams For Eczema Relief

One of the biggest reasons why eczema flare ups happen is inflammation. When skin tissues get inflamed, the immune system responds and itching can begin. No matter what kinds of protocols, tricks, or skin products you use for your children when flare ups happen, there’s a simple thing you can do to make it even more effective and we’ll show you how to make it happen in today’s post.

Inflammation Issues

Inflammation is the body’s natural and healthy response to injury. Tissues get inflamed because extra blood carrying nutrients and oxygen rush to the surface to speed up healing. The issue with inflammation happens when it stays too long or triggers a more complex immune response when it’s simply not needed. In the case of eczema, inflammation near the skin can be all it takes for an eczema flare up to happen.

Inflammation is a hot, itchy, and often sore issue. Since blood flows to the area in greater amounts, more heat is delivered. The heat generated by inflammation helps open up blood vessels and capillaries while also expanding and opening up tissues.

Sports injuries, sprains, and strains can also be caused by inflammation in a joint or muscle. If you’ve ever dealt with these issues you know that one of the most suggested remedies is ice! Cooling an inflamed area causes blood vessels to constrict which forces inflammation, toxins, and immune chemicals out of the area. This can lead to nearly instant relief  – and it can be applied to eczema, too!

Cold Creams

No matter what kinds of salves, balms, lotions, ointments, or creams you use to treat an eczema flare up, making them cold first can dramatically increase how good they feel and how fast they work.

Aside from some medicated creams that need to stay at a warmer temperature, you can place just about anything in the fridge for 6-12 hours to transform it into a cooling relief for even the hottest eczema spots.

A cold cream helps flush toxins from the skin, relieve inflammation, soothe itching, and relieve pain. It’s a nearly instant relief for many kids, and the cool feeling is a welcome relief from the heat and itch of inflamed skin tissues.

To make your own cold creams, just place your favorite eczema skin product in the fridge for at least 6 hours. Many people simple store their creams in the side door of their refrigerator so that they’re always chilled.

When it comes time to apply just grab the cream and use it like normal – while benefiting from the soothing cool relief!

1 thoughts on “Cold Creams For Eczema Relief

  1. Pingback: TBT: Cold Creams | Night Owl Kitchen

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