Types Of Eczema

eczema, dermatitis

If you are exploring eczema, you may have noticed that narrowing down the specific type of eczema you and your child are dealing with can be really frustrating. Eczema is eczema, but in order for medical professionals to do research and find treatments, they often break the greater eczema illness down into sub-categories to make it easier for them to keep track of variations and different ways the disorder can manifest in any individual patient. Today, take a few moments with us to explore the various types of common eczema and learn what they are and how they behave.

Atopic Dermatitis

This is eczema in its most direct form. It causes itchy skin, dryness, and irritation that often requires daily care or medication of some sort. Atopic Dermatitis is not contagious. Although no known causes have been discovered, it has been found that children who have eczema usually have family members with eczema, allergies, or asthma, so there may be a correlation on the genetic level.

Contact Dermatitis

Although not a true eczema, this condition acts a lot like eczema and is often treated in the same way. Contact dermatitis happens when the skin comes into contact with irritants or allergens. Cleaners, chemicals, metals, or other materials can cause reactions in some people which lead to swelling, itching, dryness, and even infection.

Dyshidrotic Dermatitis – Hand Eczema

This aggressive type of eczema only effects the hands and feet. It creates sensations of burning and itching while producing blisters on the areas most influenced.


Imagine having an itch that you cannot get rid of no matter how hard or how often you scratch. This type of eczema is extremely frustrating for the individual who deals with it, but there are some great treatments available. It is believed that neurodermatitis is caused by aggravated nerve endings that cause itching. Scratching, in turn, aggravates the nerves more which adds to the cycle. For children who have this illness, the ScratchMeNot mittens are a true blessing!

As you can see, there are several ways that eczema can manifest. The reason why it’s important to work with a qualified dermatologist or medical expert is that different treatments seem to be more effective for different kinds of eczema. In addition to this list, there are several other less common types that could also be causing problems in your case. Work with a medical expert and keep learning – you can lessen the negative effects of eczema and help your child heal and be comfortable along the way!

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