Natural Ways To Heal Scrapes and Cuts

If you have a child that scratches – or a child that plays hard and comes home with scratches and cuts all the time, you may be wondering if there are more gentle and safe ways to help heal the cuts and prevent infection. Many products exist on the market that help parents protect their children’s sensitive skin – but are they all created equal? Do you have to use harsh chemicals and antibiotic-like ingredients just to keep a cut or scrape clean? We’ve found some simple products and solutions that will help you deal with the scrapes while knowing that you are giving the very best to your child. It doesn’t get any easier than this!

These tips do not apply to severe cuts, burns, or other serious wounds. If bleeding, infection, or pain persist – skip these tips and see a medical professional instead.


natural ways to heal cuts

You’ve heard of using this common window sill plant for burns, but did you know it’s a great way to calm the itch and irritation associated with little cuts and scrapes? Apply gently to non-bleeding scratches or scrapes and see the irritation disappear!


natural ways to heal cuts

This is a simple way to remove debris from a cut, lessen pain, and jump start the healing process. Washing a cut or scrape is often all it takes to prevent problems down the road. Follow up with a fun bandage to keep kids smiling!


natural ways to heal cuts

Forget antibacterial, fragrance-rich, dyed, or chemically enhanced soaps when it comes to treating sensitive skin and cuts. Instead, go for an all natural castille soap. This mild cleanser is good for just about everything, and your child’s sensitive skin will love it! Dr. Bronner’s unscented liquid castille soap is the perennial favorite, but other options are out there as well.


natural ways to heal cuts

Many plants have amazing antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Making a tea of such herbs and using it to gently wash a cut or scrap can be a great way to avoid problems. Thyme, rosemary, calendula, and yarrow have all been used to treat cuts and scrapes. Take some time to learn more about these common herbs to see which ones might be a great addition to your family medicine cabinet.


As you can see, there are many simple alternatives to costly and often irritating skin products for your children and your family. Check online to learn more, and make sure to visit our fully stocked information pages to find out even more simple ways to keep your children’s skin happy and healthy all year long!

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