Cabin Fever – Indoor Fun!

cabin fever

“Mom, we’re bored. There’s nothing to do!” How many moms worldwide cringe at those words every day? Those words are especially bothersome when the day is a snow day and school has been cancelled…again. You are trapped in a tiny box with four walls and kids who want out. Help!

With the crazy winter/spring we’ve been experiencing, it’s sometimes impossible to let the kids go outside to play. So what can you do to occupy their minds and burn off some energy? Something that will allow you to keep your sanity? Well, try these hints below to start.

It all starts with a large box. 

An imagination and a large cardboard box can be your best friend on foul-weather days. Set the box up like a house. Let the children color curtains with markers or crayons. Older children can cut windows and doors in the playhouse. Draw family portraits on the walls. Finger paints can be used to make custom bricks, flowers or wood. A small kitchen hand towel makes the perfect size for a welcome mat. Kids will spend hours playing in these cardboard houses. It will also save your house from wear and tear.

Productive messy time! 

Older children, or supervised younger ones are wonderful helpers when it comes to your house, too. Consider letting your kids re-pot all of your house plants. Put down some newspaper in the kitchen (or anywhere that you can sweep later). Bring out your potting soil and some large spoons. After allowing the kids to empty the old soil from the plants (while you keep the plant safely away from little fingers) let them spoon in the new soil. Of course, some will spill on counters and floors. But the kids will love playing in the dirt and helping you at the same time.

Do you work from home?

Why not set up a small ‘desk’ for your child and play ‘office’? A small table, such as an end table, a small chair, some paper and paper clips, etc. and you have a great way for the child to ‘work’ with you. If you are comfortable with the idea, allow them to staple papers together, use the shredder, or mail letters in old bill envelopes.


One of the greatest things to do when trapped indoors is simply to pay attention to your child(ren). Drag out the old photo albums and show him/her pictures of you and your spouse when you were young. Maybe you have pictures from your snow days? While he looks, tell him stories about the pictures… “Your Uncle Bobby and I look tired because we had been chasing chickens around the yard in that photo”. Not only will you be spending quality time with your children, but you will be giving them a family history lesson. They will connect with littler known relatives this way, too.

There are so many great options for children and dreary days. You may enjoy it so much that you look forward to the next foul weather days for kid-friendly fun together.

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