Do this first if you want to heal itchy skin


You’re ready to get to the bottom of itchy skin. So, what’s next? The picture is quite overwhelming as there are shelves full of creams that promise healing and comfort, alternative diets, even a host of steroids to repair the skin. While you’ll need to find a regimen that works for your little one, there’s one thing you may be overlooking.

Before I give you this effective and essential step, you may be surprised what it is. It may seem like the wrong thing to do first, but time will show you how essential this step is. So here we go!

1: Cover those scratching fingers as quickly as possible! There’s no need to focus on a cream, medication or diet alone, because scratching will undo any progress you’ve made. Keep their fingernails cut low and cover them as needed.

Prepare with the end in mind

For serious healing for your child’s skin, use these tips to heal from the inside out for long term results.

2. Eczema is often a symptom or the body’s cry for help. One of the top triggers for eczema is a food allergy/sensitivity. Use a 5 strand probiotics help rebalance the gut, they come in chewable and powder form and can be use for nursing moms, adults and children.

3. Add some moisture to the air! Extremely dry skin needs additional moisture, due to the breaks in the skin it has a hard time retaining moisture. A cool mist vaporizer helps keeps the skin’s moisture in a healthy range.

4. Moisturize. Moisturize. Moisturize. A good rule of thumb: only use simple, easy to read ingredients. Apply moisturizers after every diaper change to keep the skin healthy. Test any creams in a small area for 24hours. We know this is a pain in the butt, however sometimes reactions aren’t immediate. Better safe than to have a whole body flare. In the event that there is a reaction, you can easily narrow down which ingredient caused it. Just because it says “all-natural” doesn’t mean it is, double check the ingredients.

5.  Re-think medication. Some doctors are quick to prescribe medication, especially steroids because they work…for a while. Yet, a vicious cycle may occur. Mild steroid use stops being as effective, requiring a stronger prescription to get the same results, overtime causing the prescription to become stronger and stronger. There becomes a higher the chance of long term side effects, steroid rejection & withdrawal. This step is critical towards long term health without the need for stronger steroids being the only or main solution.

If you find yourself in this cycle, considering reducing steroid usage to determine what’s causing the itchy eczema. There’s a span of time that’s uncomfortable and itchy, using scratching protection bridges this gap as you determine how to soothe the skin without steroids.

Necessary Bonus

6. Be creative in redirecting a scratching moment. While it’s easy to say ‘Stop scratching’, think of ways to calm the itch and redirect. Have creams and salves nearby, cool baths, summer pool time, heavily moisturize, cover, protect damaged skin that’s prone to crave a quick scratch. Try coloring, painting, outdoor activities, going for a walk as ways to switch the focus from scratching.

By doing the above, you’re helping break the ‘Scratch – Itch Cycle’.

Allow the skin to heal uninterrupted

Think of ScratchMeNots as a healing and scratch free tool. They are the first step to gaining the relief for your little one and peace that your family needs (even sleep!). This gives (gifts) you time to research the best routine and treatment without worry of skin damage. You can control scratching episodes and save your little one from unnecessary pain. The best part about ScratchMeNots is that they stay on all day if desired, as the mittens open and close as needed. They allow fine gross motor to develop by keeping the mittens open. When a scratching moment comes, easily flip the mittens closed. They’re easy for parents to put on, yet hard for children to take off.



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