Breastfeeding : Allergies, Eczema, and Immunity

When babies are born their systems have little to no idea about the many allergens and toxins in the world they now live in. Nursing is a great way for mom’s immune system to train the baby’s about just how to deal with everything from ragweed and pollen to infections and the common cold. Because of this training, breastfeeding plays an integral role in the way that baby may react to bouts of eczema, birth allergies, and even in how well their immune system develops as a whole. If you’re a new mom and have chosen to breastfeed – this article is for you!

Breastfeeding As Training

As mentioned above, when baby breastfeeds there’s a lot of information being passed on. Many moms choose to breastfeed for longer than may be considered usual in order to facilitate a more developed and strong immunity within their child.

While not all moms are able to or choose to breastfeed, for those who take this road and deal with a baby who has allergies, considering duration of feeding is an important factor. Most pediatricians will offer their suggestions for a recommended feeding length before baby starts learning to digest solids, but a few factors may need to be considered first…

Combating Allergies With Breast Milk

A baby born with allergies, a weak immune system, or food sensitivities may do better on breast milk than other foods at the beginning. Since very few children exhibit intolerance to breast milk when mom’s diet is good, this is a great option to help cut out allergens that would otherwise be really challenging to avoid while still getting baby all the nutrition they need to grow.

Many pediatricians and baby experts agree that an extended breastfeeding is fine when it comes to giving baby a chance to develop a stronger and more resilient immune system, or when waiting for eczema issues to subside.

Dealing With Baby Eczema

Many babies have eczema, and many moms find that a breastfeeding schedule helps keep the inflammation and itching at bay. Because breast milk is a predictable and stable form of food, many sensitive babies simply don’t react to it in the same way they might react to replacements or other alternatives.

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When eczema becomes a problem, ScratchMeNot is here to help! See how they work  by clicking here.

Immune Strengthening

Some babies simply need a little more time to develop their immune systems and get accustomed to the foods and environments we experience every day. An extended breastfeeding routine is often suggested by experts when they feel that baby will develop better with more feeding and training through the information that the breast milk carries.


At the end of the day we all want to make our new baby as comfy, happy, and healthy as possible. There’s definitely no hard rule about how long breastfeeding can happen, and each child should be considered on an individual basis with the guidance of their pediatrician or allergist.

Stay tuned to the ScratchMeNot blog for more information about children with eczema and allergies, and simple solutions that cak help them be healthy and happy every day!

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